Monday, July 25, 2005

no copyright - 252 royalty free pictures

Nocopyrightno copyright is a book of 252 pictures with an accompanying CD ROM with them all on at 300 dpi or more. it's the photography of designer marco morosini- a real mix of images. the editorial at the beginning of the book opens with the question

to whom does a sunflower belong? to the farmer who planted it or to the people who look at it? to the company who extracted for the first time an alimentary oil?...

and then suggests that the present laws on copyright preserve more the economic exploitation rights on behalf of international companies than the works themselves.

God did not put a copyright on trees, flowers and clouds...

...this book represents both a bill of indictment against the strict rules of copyright and a creative incentive. there is the awarenes that ideas feed on ideas

it's a great rant/spiel. and the good news is that all parts of the publication may be reproduced or transmitted in all form or by all means withut permission. one in the eye for the likes of getty images (though i don't suppose they are that worried!).

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Love for the week from Youth Specialties

Every week Youth Specialties gives away a freebie to youth leaders - a sample of a newly released study or resource. This month we've had 29 Questions on War of the Worlds and 29 Questions on Fantastic Four, prepared by Stephen Case, including scriptural references and prayer ideas.

All you have to do is sign up with:

Google Flash Fun

Take a look at Grant Robinson's nifty flash-based applications, Montage-a-Google and Guess-the-Google.

Montage a Google searches out twenty photos linked to your text and then arranges selections of them in a montage. Below is a montage based on the two words, youth and multimedia.

Guess-the-Google is excellent and slightly addictive fun. You have ten sets of 20 photos to work through. Each group of 20 photos is the result of a google search. Your challenge is to guess the word that was used to get those pictures. You get twenty points for a correct answer. And up to 20 points for time bonus. Maximum is 400 points. My highest score was 320 but I must admit that comes from doing the quiz more than once.... Good luck!

Monday, July 11, 2005

nice free stuff from saddleback

Well I've just been to a day with Doug Fields from Saddleback and about 450 youth leaders and workers and a few clergy types. It was hosted by our synod's youth ministry centre which is based in a congregation.

Doug is a great communicator and I think was good for many youth leaders. Not surprisingly I didn't agree with everything and at times felt that I had a very different framework, yet at the same time it is clear how much the "Purpose-Driven Youth Ministry" thing has elements of other youth ministry models over the past 2 decades (particularly US models). Very much a 'come to us' approach, yet very intentional.

Their website is Simply Youth Ministry.

I downloaded about 450 mb of free stuff from

Many of the files are samples from material which you can buy. There is a whole host of stuff.

Doug had a guy with him who is originally from Perth and now in the US who does a lot of design stuff for them.

Here's his website.

The stuff looked good and was quite reasonably priced.

Unfortunately I didnt get to talk to him as he was also staffing the book/resource stall. Nor did I even have my wallet with me, and based on the website, the resources were about half price on the day!

anyway, go and visit. three free images for starters.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


photoToTypepad is a free iphot plugin that enables you to directly upload a photo album to typepad from iphoto - cool (for all you amc and typepad users)